Poster Presentation 26th ACMM “2020 Visions in Microscopy”

Exploration and characterization of nano-features with the ORION NanoFab-SIMS (#233)

Hanfang Hao 1
  1. Carl Zeiss Pty Ltd, North Ryde, NSW, Australia

The ORION NanoFab (ZEISS) is an ion microscope which allows for high resolution secondary electron (SE) imaging with a He+ beam and nanofabrication with Ne+, with focused probe sizes of 0.5 nm and 2 nm, respectively [1]. With the addition of the SIMS detector, this instrument provides in-situ elemental characterization at an unprecedented spatial resolution of ~15 nm, allowing a unique combination of in-situ modalities. The SIMS is a compact, double focusing magnetic sector mass spectrometer equipped with 4 Channel Electron Multipliers (CEMs) positioned in the same focal plane. The accessible mass range is 1 - 250 amu and the mass resolution M/DM >400 [2,3].

  With the rapid development and evolution of the nanotechnology market, the combination of high-resolution correlative SE imaging with SIMS elemental mapping is particularly attractive for addressing the increasing need for exploration of nanofeatures. The NanoFab-SIMS has demonstrated recent success for the characterization of nanofeatures in the fields of perovskite materials [4], CIGS solar cells [5], nanotoxicology [6], batteries and nano-analytics in life science. We will present novel applications of this technology to research in the fields of nanomedicine, photonics and semi-conductor. Potential future prospective applications will also be discussed.

  1. [1] B. W. Ward, J. A. Notte, and N. P. Economou, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 24 (2006) 287. [2] D. Dowsett, T. Wirtz, Analytical Chemistry 89 (2017) 8957. [3] Sijbrandij, Sybren, et al. Microscopy Today 27.3 (2019): 22-27. [4] Liu, Yongtao, et al. Nature materials 17.11 (2018): 1013. [5] Zimmermann I et al. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. (2019). [6] Fizeșan I et al. Particle and fibre toxicology. 16.1 (2019).