Oral Presentation 26th ACMM “2020 Visions in Microscopy”

Invited talk -  Element mapping and quantitation of biological cells and tissues in a cryoSEM  (#39)

Peta Clode 1
  1. University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia

The ability to characterise elements, isotopes, and metabolites at the cellular level provides powerful insight into cellular function and responses to biotic and abiotic factors. Here I discuss the use of cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryoSEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) to map the distribution of elements at the cellular level in various frozen-hydrated plant tissues. From these map data we have been able to quantify cellular element concentrations and to gain valuable insight into plant function and adaptation.  

Sample preparation is the most important factor in any analytical method. I will outline the pros and cons of options for cryo-preserving elements of interest (e.g. high pressure freezing, plunge freezing), and highlight the importance of key factors (e.g. flat samples, pulse pile up correction) when aiming to achieve fully quantified concentrations from biological EDS data in the cryoSEM.

Our existing cryoSEM-EDS analytical system includes a cryomicrotome and sample preparation system (Leica) and a field emission SEM (Zeiss), fitted with a cryostage and an 80 mm EDS SDD detector (Oxford Instruments). For analysis of frozen-hydrated samples in the cryoSEM, we cryoplane plunge-frozen samples to generate a flat surface, coat with up to 20 nm Cr, and transfer to the cryoSEM without sublimation. We perform all of our analyses at 15 kV and a 2 nA beam current. We use AZtec software (Oxford Instruments) to conduct all of our analyses and use their in-built standards to perform our quantitation (Marshall, 2017).

Examples presented will include salinity tolerance (Kotula et al. 2019), low-phosphorus adaptation and calcium toxicity (Guilherme Pereira et al. 2018; Hayes et al. 2018; 2019), and iron metabolism.


  1. Hayes PE, Clode PL, Guilherme-Pereira C, Lambers H (2019). Calcium modulates cell-specific allocation of phosphorus in leaves of four Proteaceae species. Journal of Experimental Botany 70:3995-4009.
  2. Kotula L, Clode PL, de la Cruz Jimenez J, Colmer TD (2019). Salinity tolerance in chickpea is associated with the ability to exclude Na from leaf mesophyll cells. Journal of Experimental Botany 70:4991-5002.
  3. Hayes PE, Clode PL, Oliveira RS, Lambers H (2018). Proteaceae from phosphorus-impoverished habitats preferentially allocate phosphorus to photosynthetic cells: an adaptation improving phosphorus-use efficiency. Plant, Cell and Environment 41:605-619.
  4. Guilherme-Pereira C, Clode PL, Oliveira RS, Lambers H (2018). Eudicots from severely phosphorus-limited environments preferentially allocate phosphorus to their mesophyll. New Phytologist 218:959-973.
  5. Marshall AT (2017). Quantitative X-ray microanalysis of model biological samples in the SEM using remote standards and the XPP analytical model. Journal of Microscopy 66:231-238.