François Vurpillot 26th ACMM “2020 Visions in Microscopy”

François Vurpillot

François Vurpillot (44 yrs) is professor at the University of Rouen (Normandie Université), and researcher in the « Groupe de Physique des Matériaux », CNRS laboratory. He is head of the scientific instrumentation team of the group. François Vurpillot did his PhD in Rouen and post-doctoral research in Oxford (Marie Curie Fellowship in the department of Materials, Oxford University) on image formation with the APT instrument. François Vurpillot is a specialist in field emission, laser induced field emission, Field Ion Microscopy, Tomographic reconstruction and contributed to the development of several generations of Atom Probe Instruments. He contributed to more than 100 publications in the field. Selected publications : · Atom Probe Tomography1st Edition / Put Theory Into Practice, Editors: Williams Lefebvre Francois Vurpillot Xavier Sauvage, Hardcover ISBN: 9780128046470, Academic Press, Elsevier publication (2016) · F. Vurpillot and C. Oberdorfer, Ultramicroscopy, Modeling Atom Probe Tomography: A review; doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.12.013 · F Vurpillot, W Lefebvre, JM Cairney, C Oberdorfer, BP Geiser, K Rajan, Advanced volume reconstruction and data mining methods in atom probe tomography, MRS Bulletin 41 (01), 46-52 (2016) · Vurpillot F., Gault B., Geiser B. P., and Larson D.J., Reconstructing atom probe data: A review, Ultramicroscopy, Volume 132, September 2013, Pages 19–30 · Larson D.J, Gault B., Geiser B, P,, de Geuser F., Vurpillot F., Atom Probe Tomography Spatial Reconstruction: Status and Directions, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, Volume 17, Issue 5,, Pages 236-247 (2013)

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