Paul Matsudaira 26th ACMM “2020 Visions in Microscopy”

Paul Matsudaira

Paul Matsudaira received his PhD in Biological Sciences from Dartmouth College in 1981 then carried out postdoctoral research at the Max Planck for Biophysical Chemistry (Goettingen, Germany) and the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology (Cambridge, UK). In 1985, he joined the Whitehead Institute, MIT Department of Biology, and later, the MIT Department of Biological Engineering, where his lab worked on the structure and mechanics of the cytoskeleton in cell motility as well as the development and application of micro/nano-analytical methods. While at MIT, Paul rose to the rank of Professor of Biology and Professor of Bioengineering, served as Associate Chair of the MIT Faculty, Director of the WI-MIT BioImaging Center, Director of the Computational and Systems Biology Initiative (CSBi), and was on the author team of the Lodish textbook, Molecular Cell Biology. In 2009, he moved to the National University of Singapore as Head, Department of Biological Sciences, Director, NUS Centre for BioImaging Sciences, and co-Director, MechanoBiology Institute. His lab studies the mechanobiology of early zebrafish development.

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