Sophie Meuret 26th ACMM “2020 Visions in Microscopy”

Sophie Meuret

Sophie Meuret is a researcher in the CEMES Laboratory (CNRS) in Toulouse since December 2018, where she is studying the complementarity of electron holography and cathodoluminescence in a TEM. Before she was a Post-Doc in the Photonic Materials group at AMOLF, Amsterdam. She obtained her PhD from the University Paris Saclay. Her work mostly focuses on the understanding of electron-matter interaction using cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy. One of her main axe of research is the use of Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometer, to studied the CL autocorrelation function g(2) from semiconductors. The g(2) shows strong bunching due to the fact that a single electron creates multiple excitations. She showed that this effect can be used to extract the excitation efficiency without a priori knowledge of the structure as well as the lifetime. During her post-doc she was developing ultra-fast time-resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy to study spatially-resolved ultrafast carrier recombination and single emitters in nanostructures. In parallel, she developed, together with Magda Solà Garcia (PhD), a time-resolved microscope based on a pulsed-laser driven electron gun with cathodoluminescence. This geometry allows pump-probe CL spectroscopy on a wide range of nanophotonic structures.

Abstracts this author is presenting: